Thursday 30 May 2013

Confessions of an Eccentric Drama Queen

I should try to understand and accept people's differences and not be too judgmental. I am to a certain degree and it ticks me off a little bit. Its because deep down I knew it wasn't right for me to have the same reaction like most people; given the fact that I am a piece of work myself when it comes to individuality and degree of weirdness. I am aware of individual's differences, its just that...I can't accept everything.

I know, I mean, if I can be eccentric; why can't other people be eccentric too? They have every single rights to do so. I may be disappointed and baffled as hell; but I should have tried to understand better. Afterall, people have tried their best to understand my qualities and bizarre antics. Why can't I do the same?

The world does not revolve around me and I am just a pebble; okay, a tiny organism living this world so I shouldn't hold my head so high and stop looking down and evaluate myself. I am maybe better at certain things, but there are millions of other people who can do a lot better in other fields than me. I don't want to be a drama queen who is pompous and demanded everything to fall in lines as I please and people must follow what I say.

Instead I want to become a good leader; the one who can see the flaws in herself and accept others' flaw, see the good qualities and fortes in the crowd she mingles in and not think of herself high above the rest of the people.

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